Donnybrook Gold is a collaboration between Bridgetown-based geotourism operator, Lithium Valley Rocks, and the new owners of the Old Goldfield Orchard in Donnybrook, Western Australia. At Donnybrook Gold, we run private small group tours exploring the historic 1898 gold workings, explain the geology and teach visitors how to pan for rare fern gold. Tours are strictly by appointment.
We are continuing the inspirational work started in 1997 by the previous landowners; when, exactly 100 years after gold was discovered on their farm, they realised their dream to develop the site’s tourism potential. By recreating the iconic “Hunter’s Venture” headframe, and by building a tearoom, museum, gold panning shed, aquaculture ponds and cider factory, the Trigwells didn’t just preserve a key piece of Southwest history; they gave it new life.
The Triggwells are now as much a part of the story of Donnybrook’s gold as the old timers who worked the mines all those years ago. They all felt it… experienced its energy… Many call it the “FEVER” but in its purest form it is simply “The Spirit of Adventure”.
We also feel this energy, its irresistible pull, the excitement from seeing its yellow flash. We also feel honoured to be today’s custodians of the Southwest’s shiny golden smile… We also feel that same spirit of adventure as those who came before, and we are driven to search out and tell their stories.
Our aim is to revive the forgotten gold rush history and excitement of Donnybrook’s past and share this experience with our visitors. Our mission is to make you tired, hungry, and excited; to make you part of our story and fuel your spirit of adventure.
We do this because we can… because at Donnybrook Gold… “It’s Your Gold Rush”

Lithium Valley Rocks is a small Geotourism business that started in 2019 with assistance from the Australian Government Department of Jobs and Small Business; New Enterprise Inititve Scheme (NEIS).